Why is Daylighting in Classrooms Important?
A classroom for school children should not only be designed for high academic performance, but also for the health and wellbeing of students and staff. With school students spending approximately 200 days per year at school and around 5-6 hours a day in classrooms, their environment can have a decisive impact on their academic performance. As schools are being renovated or newly built there is a growing
awareness on the positive effects of utilizing natural light for classroom lighting. However, for lighting to be suitable, attention needs to be paid to achieving the required lighting levels while giving priority to daylight. Controllers such as blinds, curtains or shutters to avoid excessive illuminance or glare should be provided while providing views to the outside.
Circadian Rythym Cycle and Daylighting Design
Out of all design parameters in schools, including air temperature, acoustics, and CO2 concentration, daylight has the highest impact on overall student progress. Natural light positively contributes to a higher academic performance in reading as well as in science. It also supports attention, the stability of the circadian cycle and overall health, mental health and comfort, which in turn, leads to better student academic performance. In terms of design, it is fundamental to consider building orientation and sun path geometry. This is not only essential in terms of building performance to avoid overheating and glare, but also key in providing the best environmental conditions for students, especially for daylight. Easy to handle shutters and switches should be provided in the school facility for teachers, but also for students to modulate their learning environments.
Benefits of Daylighting Classrooms
lower energy costs
IMPROVED academic performance
comfort, health & Wellbeing
Reduced absenteeism
Harnessing Sunlight to Illuminate Classrooms
Schools today have more on their agenda than educating students. Pressure to reduce operating costs, improve carbon footprint and provide healthier indoor environments has fuelled the push for green technologies. While constructing a “green” school can cost on average 2% more than a conventional school, the return on investment is about 20 times greater. Savings can be realised through reduced operating expenses, lower student absenteeism and increased employee retention. Often “green” means maximising what nature provides. Daylighting systems efficiently capture daylight, streaming nature’s light source into classrooms, halls, libraries, offices and gyms. And since daylight is proven to increase test scores and attendance, it helps achieve building and education goals. Interestingly, it’s human performance factors like these that often directly impact school funding.
Daylighting | A Step Closer to Net Zero Schools
Proven roof mounted Daylighting applications that wont leak and are cyclone rated.
A well designed school will improvestudent and staff health, wellbeing, productivity and performance.
Improving the reduction of energy costs to include other technologies in tandem (eg: Skylights & Solar Panels).
Improving the long term financial benefits and optimum returns on investment.

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