Human Centred Design
Designing Learner-Centered Spaces
By implementing a Whole School Sustainability framework which describes what successful green schools have learned about how to make this sustainability thinking stick. It explains that, in these schools, the educational program, physical place and organisational culture all support sustainability, and that each aspect of the school does its important part in making the whole picture work.
Naturalness: Hardwired into our brains, humans have the basic need for light, air, and safety. In this area, the impact of lighting, sound, temperature, and air quality are prevalent.
Individualization: As individuals, each of our brains is uniquely organized and, we perceive the world in different ways. Because of this, different people respond to environmental stimuli in various ways. Therefore, the opportunity for some level of choice affects success.
Stimulation: The learning space can offer the “silent curriculum” that affectsstudent engagement levels. When designing the space, it’s important foreducators not to overstimulate and thus detract students’ ability to focus butto provide enough stimuli to enhance the learning experience
Human Centric Focus
Indoor air quality
By improving Indoor Air Quality (IAQ), green schools can improve the health of students, faculty and staff, potentially decreasing sick days. Monitoring IAQ such as the amount of Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), mould, particulates andhumidity in the air—have demonstrable impactson student learning and human health moregenerally. Understanding high CO2 levels during class times has a detrimental effect for both students and teachers, it is important to ensure adequate ventilation is provided in learning spaces.
When deprived of natural light, studies have shown that children’s melatonin cycles and important hormones that impact alertness and sleep/wake cycles are disrupted. This likely has an impact on their alertness and performance during school. By installing skylights and large windows to allow daylight to stream in, not only reduces energy costs but also improves student concentration and performance.
health & wellbeing
The costs of poor indoor environmental quality in schools, including higher absenteeism and increased respiratory ailments, have generally been “hidden” in sick days, lower teacher and staff productivity, lower student motivation, slower learning, lower tests scores, increased medical costs, and lowered lifelong achievement and earnings. Applying Human centred design principals into schools will improve productivity and performance for both students and staff.
thermal comfort
Comfortable indoor temperatures enhanceproductivity and keep students more alert. Fresher, cleaner air can be achieved with windows that open or ventilation systems that provide a constant supply of air. Temperature comfort affects both teaching quality and student achievement. Research indicates that the best teachers emphasised that their ability to control affects both teaching quality and student performance.
Optimising classroom acoustics so children can hear is a primary foundation for learning. Many studies confirm the importance of low background noise level and speech intelligibility in maintaining appropriate acoustic conditions for student learning. A green school features acoustical ceiling tiles, lined ductwork and HVAC systems with appropriately placed vents, and therefore provides an environment that lessens distractions and encourages participation.
student attendance
Green schools are better for learning because theykeep students healthy and increase their focus,attention span and memory. The quality of schoolfacilities where students learn is often overlookedas a major factor in students’ scholastic performance. Sick days are another big factorimpacting all education providers. If a school can improve attendance by even 1% - 2% this can equate to recovering hundreds of days lost per year through non-attendance due to sickness.