Building Envelope
Walls, Roofs, Windows & Doors
Most concepts for energy efficiency in buildings
focus on optimising lighting use, upgrading
mechanical plant and installing BMS technology
and automation. Albeit these initiatives are sound
investments, avoiding energy loss through
optimising the building envelope is a key element
of an energy efficiency strategy. Air leaks, poorinsulation, under performing roofs and thermalbridging in windows directly affect heating andcooling loads and if left unchecked undoes thegood work achieved by other energy efciencymeasures already installed.
Advantages of a reliable and functional Building Envelope
Finding energy waste –
understanding how energy
transfers through building
Reducing peak electricity – heating
/ cooling loads and costs
Lowering operational expense –
potential plant equipment
Air leakage through the buildingenclosure - energy $$$ out thewindows, doors, roof and walls
High performance Roofs - enhancing thermalefficiency and reducing moisture from condensation
Thermal bridging in window frames – mitigating cold exterior air cooling a window frame which cools interior air
Insulation for energy efficiency – mitigating heatgain in summer and heat loss in winter
To construct an energy-efficient, reliable and functional building envelope,understanding the envelope and material selection of the walls, roof andwindows, local climatic conditions, aspect, positioning and geographiclocation of the building mitigate unwanted heat gain in summer andsignificant heat loss in winter. By understanding the importance of how thebuilding envelope is constructed can also be used as a strategy to reducepeak electricity demand, operating costs and environmental impact whilstbolstering occupant comfort, productivity, health and well-being.